Exploring Faith
In today’s society, it can take courage to step over the threshold of church or to explore Christian faith. At St Mary de Haura we are committed to providing opportunities for individuals to explore Christian faith in an open and friendly atmosphere, at a pace suited to them and with plenty of opportunities to ask questions.
Experience tells us that one-to-one conversations are often the best way to begin this exploration of faith – so the clergy are committed to making time to meet with enquirers individually, whether for a one-off conversation or over a longer period of time. Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in this.
There are also a number of opportunities during the year to explore Christian faith in a group setting. These include study/discipleship groups in Lent and Advent and nurture courses for those new to faith. For upcoming groups and courses please see the weekly newsletter.
Finally, for those who have been exploring Christian faith for some time, it may feel right to make a formal commitment to Christian faith through the rites of baptism or confirmation. We are always delighted to support individuals who wish to make this sort of commitment – whether young or old. Please get in touch if you are interested.
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